Complete “G”PS

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All Authority In Heaven And On Earth  

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1 John 2:1
1 John 3:8
2 John 1:9-11

1 John ||| ||| STUDIES * |||

John's readers were confronted with an early form of Gnostic teaching of the Cerinthian variety. This heresy was also libertine, throwing off all moral restraints. Consequently, John wrote this letter with two basic purposes in mind: (1) to expose false teachers and (2) to give believers assurance of salvation.

2 John ||| ||| STUDIES * |||

During the first two centuries the gospel was taken from place to place by traveling evangelists and teachers. Believers customarily took these missionaries into their homes and gave them provisions for their journey when they left. Since Gnostic teachers also relied on this practice, 2 John was written to urge discernment in supporting traveling teachers

3 John ||| ||| STUDIES * |||

Itinerant teachers sent out by John were rejected in one of the churches in the province of Asia by a dictatorial leader, Diotrephes, who even excommunicated members who showed hospitality to John's messengers. John wrote this letter to commend Gaius for supporting the teachers and, indirectly, to warn Diotrephes.

POSTSCRIPT: The beloved apostle John warned us against these antichrists in his first letter (1 John 2:18-23 - 4:3). They are those who not only oppose Jesus, but also offer a substitute "Christ.". This spirit of antichrist will one day find its ultimate fulfillment in the Antichrist, who will lead humanity in an end-times rebellion against God. – posted in 
(Gospel Positioning System)

John the Apostle or Saint John the Beloved was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus according to the New Testament. Generally listed as the youngest apostle, he was the son of Zebedee and Salome. His brother was James, who was another of the Twelve Apostles. ||| DDGO
Born: c. 6 AD, Bethsaida, Galilee, Roman Empire
Died: c. 100 AD (aged 93–94), place unknown, probably Ephesus, Roman Empire, (modern-day Selçuk, Izmir, Turkey) Canonized: Pre-congregation

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