Abundant “G”PS

At the top of this aggregation of scripture on the theme of record, three verses from the small Book of Jude lead the compilation of 78 Bible verses. “Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.” This trio of gifts ranks alongside Philippians 4:8 and Galatians 5:22-23 for the Christian model.

What does the Bible say about...?

Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance

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Jude 1:2
Jude 1:5
Jude 1:24
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Although Jude was very eager to write to his readers about salvation, he felt that he must instead warn them about certain immoral men circulating among them who were perverting the grace of God. Apparently, these false teachers were trying to convince believers that being saved by grace gave them license to sin since their sins would no longer be held against them.

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Jude 1:16

POSTSCRIPTThe book of Jude itself tells us that it was written by “Jude, slave of Jesus the Anointed One, and brother of James.”

There is a consensus that the “brother of James” identifies the author as the brother of that James who led the community of Jesus-followers in Jerusalem from at least 40 CE until his execution in 62 CE—in other words, the same person who wrote the book of James.

That would make Jude the younger brother of Jesus. In lists of Jesus’ brothers, James is always listed first and Jude is listed last (Matthew 13:55) or next to last (Mark 6:3).

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