Abundant “G”PS
Are you really as nice as you think you are? What does it mean to be kind to others? Today on Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton talks with social researcher, speaker, and best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn about her…https://t.co/8GmW5mycuQ https://t.co/OBQR6W0Bvn
— Mike Foxworth (@ALTALOMAN) July 30, 2022
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Jude 1:24
Although Jude was very eager to write to his readers about salvation, he felt that he must instead warn them about certain immoral men circulating among them who were perverting the grace of God. Apparently, these false teachers were trying to convince believers that being saved by grace gave them license to sin since their sins would no longer be held against them.
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